Let’s Learn & Share Together
We invite Freelance Community writers to submit article and interesting community stories to [email protected]. Let’s share and comment together on the issues in the neighborhood.
Your contribution and feedback strengthen the community’s collective voice and knowledge of what’s important to South Cobb. Email Us Today

Join Us Each 1st Monday
ACT General Meetings are the 1st Monday of Each Month. Come voice your opinion and volunteer your talents in efforts to make our community better.
Meetings are scheduled for 7pm at South Cobb Recreation Center.
During these meetings, community stakeholders ACTively working together to develop communities, neighborhoods, and resident associations for the purpose of enhancing community capacity and achieving community goals. Contact Us For Info

The Cobb2020 Partnership has aligned with ACT, other organizations and individuals from many parts of the community on a state, regional and local level who can contribute resources and time to help make Cobb County a healthier community. Led by Rebecca Shipley, Multi-Branch Executive Director for Metro Atlanta YMCA, and Lisa Crossman, Deputy Director for Cobb & Douglas Public Health, Cobb2020 has a Steering Committee of key community leaders who can help make significant changes to the health status of Cobb. Visit http://cobb2020.com/ for more information. Learn more
Need Help Finding Your Next Job?
From a professional tech worker who’s been laid-off and needs a skill upgrade to a young high school drop-out searching for direction and a job, CobbWorks provides access to a system of employment and education services for our community. In an increasingly complex workforce and economy, people sometimes need guidance and assistance in managing their career development, particularly when challenged with unexpected events. CobbWorks provides workforce services that assist people in helping themselves and their families.
CobbWorks, Inc. is a 501 (c)3 not-for-profit organization governed by a board of directors with oversight from the Cobb Workforce Development Board. These volunteer community leaders are appointed by the chairman of Cobb County Board of Commissioners and are committed to strengthening our community’s workforce.
Visit CobbWorks for more information at www.cobbworks.org

Become a Member Today
Join ACT by coming to a meeting on the 1st Monday of each month or call us at (770) 765-6119. Contact Us